SIPONI, Namhal - Mabataki
This is a legendary project that was planned on the spot and completed within two days, including recording, mixing, illustrations, and videos. 즉석에서 기획되어 녹음, 믹싱, 일러스트와 영상까지 모두 이틀만에 끝냈던 레전드 프로젝트입니다. ▽LINE UP ♬:: Vocal 시포니 (@SIPONI_) &넴할 (@namhal_4349) ♬:: Mix & Mastering SIPONI (@SIPONI_) ♬:: Illust 박천구 (@u3u160) ♬:: Movie Pindang2 (@Plndang2) ♬:: Design & Chorus NAMHAL (@namhal_4349) A :: https:..